Friday, January 1, 2016

My first 365 project - A page a day

For the first time in my life, I'm doing a 365 project - a page a day.  So I will be writing here on this blog for my page a days.  Some posts will be book related, some will be journaling & some will be gibberish to get in that page.  Plus, in a blog format, I can write anywhere at anytime - as long as I have wifi!

So Happy New Years!  Here's the first children's book I've written.  I'm still working on illustrations.

Piper & Jackson and The Loose Tooth
by Alisha Clayson

Mama says my tooth needs to come out soon.  It’s been wigglin for days.  Mama says that when this tooth comes out, I can put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy will leave me a surprise.  I’m not so sure about that, cause the tooth fairy lives in the next town.  How’s she know my tooth’s comin out?  But Mama says.

Jackson thinks he should help me pull it out.  Just cause he’s older than me by 15 minutes doesn’t make him the boss.  He thinks that I should let him tie a string around my tooth and then tie the other end around a door and slam the door shut.  Does he think I’m crazy?

Daddy says to let him just pull it out; with his fingers!  He wants to just reach in and pull it out.  I don’t want his fingers in my mouth.  In fact, I don’t want anything in my mouth. 

Everyone says my tooth needs to come out.  But I like it.  It’s my tooth.  I don’t want the tooth fairy to have it.  I don’t want Mama or Daddy to help.  I definitely don’t want Jackson to help.  I think I’ll just go to bed and not worry about it right now.

This morning, when I woke up, my tooth was really loose.  I went the bathroom and looked at my tooth in the mirror.  It sure did wiggle a bunch.  In fact, it wiggled so much, it wiggled right out of my mouth and down the drain of the sink.  Hm.  Guess nobody will be gettin my tooth now.

Daddy tried to get the tooth out of the drain, but it slipped further down.  Mama says that the tooth fairy will still leave me a surprise.  Jackson said it might not be a good one, cause there’s no tooth to put under the pillow.  He just laughed and laughed.  He called me ‘Snaggle-tooth.’  What ever that means. (picture of her thinking about a saber-tooth tiger)

I was sad the whole day.  I didn’t want to lose my tooth.  It was mine.  But now the drain has it.  I wonder if I can get it back.  Maybe I can use Daddy’s tools.  After all, my hands are smaller than his.

(1. Her head disappears in the box of tools, 2. oversized wrench in hand trying to take off sink pipe, 3. water spraying out of sink all over the bathroom, 4. Mama standing there with hands on hips and frowning and Piper trying to hide wrench behind back)

Mama says that naughty little girls get to go to their rooms for the rest of the day.  I didn’t mean to blow water all over the bathroom.  I just wanted my tooth back.  But Mama says.

 All this trouble for a little ‘ol tooth.  I know teeth are for eatin and smilin, but I don’t see why they have to fall out.  Jackson says we need big teeth to eat bigger things and smile bigger.  I kindof like being small.  I fell asleep while I was waitin for Mama to tell me I could get out of time out.  

When I woke up, there was somethin hard under my pillow.  It was a small mirror; the prettiest mirror I’d ever seen.  On the handle was a tiny note that said:
“Piper,  I found your tooth in a drain.  I put it with all the others.  I hope you enjoy the mirror.  You can practice your pretty little smile.   - Love, the Tooth fairy”

Maybe losin’ a tooth ain’t so bad.

The End