Or in all actuality - to begin the fall fun we went camping with friends labor day weekend. It was wet, raining, chilly and perfect! And we all came back without killing each other from sleep deprivation!
J helping cut firewood. He really liked being with the "big" boys. He and A were really impressed when Dyl got stung by a bee and pulled the stinger out and kept walking. J didn't have quit the same reaction when a bee stung him on his ankle. He cried for a while, but was ok.
A & Bre digging in the beach.
All the kids playing on the rocks off the pier leading to the lighthouse. They're all on the "nice" side of the pier. The other side had waves crashing up and over the rocks.

C & Bre having fun together.

E & Dad having fun on our hike. The Dad's tried to scare the moms by hiding the kids on the trail. It back-fired on them when I ran ahead to find kids and ended up bypassing them and then scaring everyone else because I was gone!
Bre & Wendy - our friends we went camping with. And they let me braid their hair. So cute ladies!
The dads are having SO much fun watching everyone else play in Lake Michigan.

Everyone ready to cool off in Lake Michigan. It was cold! But WAY fun!
This is Dyl & Cal chopping firewood. Good Job Boy Scouts!! ;)